

Family Day

The International Day of Families, observed annually on 15 May, serves as a global celebration of the importance of families in society. It highlights the vital role families play in nurturing individuals and communities, promoting social cohesion, and contributing to overall well-being. SBSA celebrates this every year, and in 2024 melodies of laughter, scripts of unity and verses of connection were painted through poetry, songs and plays depicting the bonds which wrap SBSA staff and learners as the SBSA Family in whatever they do. The presentations were followed by the sharing of refreshments in the different teaching groups where all engaged in different team building activities. Altogether, an enriching and memorable day for all.

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SBSA Donation to President Village

Donation to President Village

On Saturday 18 May2024 a group of learners and staff visited the President’s Village in Port Glaud. Bringing with them an assortment of gifts and donations for the children of the village, plus breakfast, which was shared out that morning, the group from SBSA came with the aim of spreading compassion and love. They did just that not only through their donations but also the various activities which they had organised for the children.

Somewhat shy at first, the President’s Village children were very soon seen dancing, participating in the activities and generally having fun with the SBSA learners.

At the end of the activity the group from SBSA made the decision to ‘adopt’ the village, so that from this day on they could give their time to the village in different ways including for SBSA learners to act as mentors and role models to the children.

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SBSA International HR Day

International HR Day

Every year on 20 May, the world celebrates the International HR Day. This is the time to shine a spotlight on the valuable and irreplaceable role that HR professionals, play in helping organisations succeed. This year, the Diploma in Human Resource Management Programme staff and learners facilitated various activities to join the various other organisations nationally and worldwide to celebrate the day and recognise and honour the vital role that Human Resource Professionals play in shaping the future of organisations and the dedication, hard work, and innovation of HR.

The theme for this year’s International HR Day was ‘HR Shaping the new future’ and a HR Forum was organised to have Human Resource professionals build learners’ awareness of the value HR brings to the organisation. Topics addressed during the forum were: HR as the driver of business strategy; HR’s impact on employee engagement and productivity; HR’s role in managing organisational change; Benefits of taking up HR as a profession.

Guest speakers included HR professionals from Air Seychelles, Seychelles Defence Forces, Absa Seychelles, Public UtilitiesCorporation, Department of Local Government, Health Care Agency and SBSA. After the various presentations, learners, staff members and parents who were in attendance had the opportunity to ask questions about the topics addressed.

The forum was then followed by viewing of an exhibition mounted by learners on the programme showcasing the various courses on the programme as well as teambuilding activities facilitated by learners showcasing HR’s responsibilities in engaging employees and creating a healthy work environment.

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SBSA graduation Cohort 2021-2023

SBSA graduation Cohort 2021-2023

Horisha Savy clinches the President’s Cup.

Graduation day was on Friday 5 April 2024and saw the greatest number of graduates. A total of 207 graduates proudly collected their certificates after completing the full-time Diploma programmes, the full-time and part-time certificate programmes, plus the part-time Association of Accounting Technician (AAT) courses.

During the ceremony 20 graduates obtained awards ranging from Best Effort to Most Outstanding Performer, to Governing Board Award and others.

As is the case each year, SBSA also recognised its staff members who had completed their own training either with the academy itself or with other local institutions or online. This is done each year to showcase achievements of the staff members alongside the graduates as well as to give the learners a view of continuous professional development even while in employment, something the academy wants its graduates to keep on doing.

Nathalia Pillay, a graduate from the Diploma in Accounting and Finance, was awarded this year’s Medal of Academic Excellence, after also being awarded the Most Outstanding Performer for her programme and the AAT Award which is conveyed to the graduate who has excelled in the AAT exams.

Horisha Savy, a graduate from the Diploma in Business Management and Administration, was awarded the most coveted award – the President’s cup.

Graduating cohort 2021-2023 has been deemed the Best Cohort Everdue to the fact that this is the first time the academy records such a large number of graduates scoring a Distinction (85% and above) as Cumulative Grade Point Average; there were 31 Distinctions recorded compared to 11 for cohort 2020-2022 and less than 10 for other previous years. The academy continues to enjoy excellent performance of its learners despite still facing issues of sharing the Unisey campus.

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Forum - “Careers of the Future in Business, Marketing, Accounting, and Human Resource: How Digitalisation has changed the dynamics”

On 1 March 2024, Year 3 learners from all programmes attended a Forum entitled “Careers of the Future in Business, Marketing, Accounting, and Human Resource: How Digitalisation has changed the dynamics” facilitated by Mr Aasif Mohung, Business Intelligence Analyst at Asia Pacific University of Technology and Innovation (APU).
The aim behind the presentation was to benefit the learners by enhancing their understanding of the evolving job market landscape and empowering them to make informed decisions about their future career paths.

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Fête de la Francophonie

C'est encore la semaine de la Francophonie !

En commémoration de cet évènement, SBSA a saisi l'occasion pour rassembler les étudiants dans une ambiance détendue. Nous avons vu la participation de différentes classes, qui ont proposés des activités intéressantes,ainsi que les enseignants et d'autres employés qui ont présenté des activités ;comme la vente de pâtisseries et de rafraîchissements, ainsi quune démonstration de belles mélodies françaises, des poèmes, des danses et des comptines.

Dans l'ensemble, ce fut un événement réussi et tous les étudiants ont apprécié.

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