

International HR Day

Every year on 20 May, the world celebrates the International HR Day. This is the time to shine a spotlight on the valuable and irreplaceable role that HR professionals, play in helping organisations succeed. This year, the Diploma in Human Resource Management Programme staff and learners facilitated various activities to join the various other organisations nationally and worldwide to celebrate the day and recognise and honour the vital role that Human Resource Professionals play in shaping the future of organisations and the dedication, hard work, and innovation of HR.

The theme for this year’s International HR Day was ‘HR Shaping the new future’ and a HR Forum was organised to have Human Resource professionals build learners’ awareness of the value HR brings to the organisation. Topics addressed during the forum were: HR as the driver of business strategy; HR’s impact on employee engagement and productivity; HR’s role in managing organisational change; Benefits of taking up HR as a profession.

Guest speakers included HR professionals from Air Seychelles, Seychelles Defence Forces, Absa Seychelles, Public UtilitiesCorporation, Department of Local Government, Health Care Agency and SBSA. After the various presentations, learners, staff members and parents who were in attendance had the opportunity to ask questions about the topics addressed.

The forum was then followed by viewing of an exhibition mounted by learners on the programme showcasing the various courses on the programme as well as teambuilding activities facilitated by learners showcasing HR’s responsibilities in engaging employees and creating a healthy work environment.

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