Learner support services
The Registrar, who is for now also fulfilling the role of Learner Support Officer, assists learners regarding their concerns and queries. Queries can include requests for financial advice (related to fees and allowance, bus pass or more general financial problems). The Registrar is also the person who deals with other social problems which can affect learning. She counsels, gives advice and can also refer learners to other agencies. The counselling service is confidential and friendly and available to everybody.
Contact Person
Mrs. Monique Hoareau
Email: registrar@sbsa.edu.sc
Tel: 4381191
Learner Facilities
A variety of facilities are available for SBSA learners as listed in the Learner Handbook.
Contact Person – ICT
Mr. Jude Bristol
System Support officer
Email: jude.bristol@sbsa.edu.sc
Tel: 4381192
Contact Person - Library
Mrs. Julia Dingwall
Email: j.dingwall@sbsa.edu.sc
Tel: 4381185