Learners Council

The SBSA Learner Council is the governing body for learners at SBSA.


The Vision of the Seychelles Business Studies Academy Learner Council is to inculcate values of unification, discipline, leadership and fairness amongst the learners, support one another to share thoughts, desires and issues as well as maintaining a strong communication network between Learners and Management.


The Mission of the Seychelles Business Studies Academy Learner Council is to encourage responsibility, citizenship and leadership in Learners, promote a sense of community within the academy, act as a voice for Learners and take part in the development of the academy. Additionally, give Learners a Chance to make decisions about our academy and to experience the democratic decision-making process.

How can you become a Learner Council member?

Membership is open to all learners. A Committee is formed each year, consisting of learner representatives nominated by each respective tutor group of learners to serve on the Learner Council. The learner can be nominated by ballot or unanimously by learners of the group. The Learner Council shall consist of the following members:

  • A Chairperson
  • A Vice-Chairperson
  • A Treasurer
  • A secretary
  • Learner representatives from each tutor groups

What are the benefits of being a Learner Council Member ?

  • Provide a forum for discussion of all issues relating to the overall learner experience at SBSA.
  • Provide a direct link between learners’ views and the academy’s decision-making processes.
  • Initiate and organise social events, clubs and other activities for the learner body.
  • Represent the interest of SBSA Learner Council on national forums.
  • +(248) 437 1188

  • info[at]sbsa.edu.sc

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