
Choosing to enrol at SBSA, granted me access to a second chance in terms of being able to attend University overseas. I know that it required me to give all that I had, inputting a great amount of effort, sacrificing and stepping out of my comfort zone. I understood that I needed to seek help and advice and make great use of the lecturers, even outside of class hours; and believe me the lecturers are always ready and willing to help!

SBSA also kick started the world of networking for me which has been so much of a plus that I am still receiving opportunities today thanks to the first connections made participating in entrepreneurship debates and workshops which were either organised by the academy or organised by the academy's partners.

As a proud holder of a Diploma in Business Management and Administration, and also one of the 7 top performers of my cohort, I feel I have achieved the goals I had when I joined SBSA!

Thank you to the SBSA Family!

Programme: Diploma in Business Management and Administration
Graduate of: 2021

I joined the Seychelles Business Studies Academy in February 2019, with much fear and doubt and, though my first year went quite smoothly, I didn’t feel that I was working to my full potential. Then, during my 2nd and 3rd years, the global outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic caused further challenges. However, since childhood I always believed that it is in our darkest times that we discover our greatest strengths.

I do admit that I could never have done it on my own as living far away from my family who are my biggest support system was not easy. The enormous love, care and support from lecturers, staff and classmates paired with a great amount of determination and faith is what kept me going. Today I am a proud graduate of the academy with a Diploma in Accounting and Finance. I was quite surprised when I was told that I was also one of the 7 top performers of my cohort. This just goes to show that you can truly achieve anything once you’ve set your mind to it.

I believe that my journey has only just begun. SBSA was the first stepping stone and it was one that was truly worth it! I will always remain grateful for having the opportunity to study at the Academy as it has not only allowed me to gain professional skills and knowledge in my future field of work, but it has also taught me that “It doesn’t matter what obstacle you encounter in life, a positive mindset will always lead you to victory.”

Programme: Diploma in Accounting and Finance
Graduate of: 2021

In March 2021, fresh out of Secondary school with lots of uncertainty and fear for the future, I decided to venture in the new programme with SBSA. The Diploma In Human Resources Management, a new programme just been placed on offer that same year, was the choice I made without knowing anything that it entailed, what I was getting myself into or what I would do after that, but with careful consideration I trusted my instincts and decided to take the chance and apply for it out of curiosity.

I will never forget the first question asked by the head of program for Human Resource Management minutes after the induction and orientation ended, “Why did you choose to enroll in the Diploma in Human Resource Management?” Why? Looking at our faces, you could see that most of us didn’t even know the exact answer for that question, but never knew that this was going to be the most life changing experience ever.

It wasn’t until after my first Work Based Experience, that I partly understood practically what HR was, it’s importance in the organization and developed the love and willingness to learn more and be passionate about it. I would not say that it has not been challenging at times, trust me, it has! I have faced many challenges, cried a bit and got discouraged at times, but it was through my perseverance and willpower that drove me to keep pushing to the best of my ability.

Learning HR has not been only a theoretical journey but rather a more practical one as most of the courses are filled with many practical activities, assignments to practice what was learnt in class, site visits and guest speakers from the industry itself to help paint the real picture. I have never hesitated to practice what I have learnt in class to transform myself and be a better individual. I am definitely not perfect, but more confident, responsible, optimistic, open minded and think beyond any boxes.

SBSA has one of the most amazing workforce, be it lecturers, management and support staff. They have guided me, supported me and encouraged me to take risks and aim higher throughout my journey at the academy. They have believed in me, when even I didn’t believe in my own self, and I will always remain grateful to all of them.

To conclude, let me state that, I would always promote the HR Course at SBSA wherever I go, because it has groomed me in many aspects of my personal life and professional development with a changed mindset. So for you reading this, please do not hesitate to join the DHRM Programme at SBSA if you are considering change and growth into the best version of yourself.

Programme: Diploma in Human Resource Management
Graduate of: 2023

Hi, My name is Petra Volcère and I am a proud graduate of the Seychelles Business Studies Academy after successfully completing my studies with a Distinction in the Diploma in Accounting & Finance. I would describe my journey at the academy as one which was not easy but definitely nothing was impossible to achieve. SBSA was my first and only choice after completing secondary level and until today I do not regret anything about this decision despite the obstacles I have faced. My three years at the academy can be described as unforgettable ones, the lecturers were really helpful and my classmates were amazing. I got the chance to represent the academy on different levels and also served as the Chairperson of the Learner’s council for two consecutive years, voted into that position by my fellow learners. As Chairperson of the Learner Council I represented all learners in the Governing Board and I had the chance to speak on behalf of all learners at Board meetings. To be honest it was not an easy task to balance between studies and my role as the Chairperson but I never neglected either one. My advice to you as a learner is to keep striving for the best and never choose the easy path in life. Never lose focus on your target even though it gets hard as all the sleepless nights and early morning grinds will soon pay off. Remember to do everything with a pure heart and good intention, never expect anything in return.

Programme: Diploma in Accounting and Finance
Graduate of: 2023

While I was completing my studies at Plaisance Secondary school, I chose to apply to SBSA because I had the grades for it. At that time I was more interested in the Seychelles Maritime Academy because I wanted to be a sea captain, but at the same time I wanted to be a business owner of marine related business. Unfortunately, I did not get accepted into SMA, but I was accepted into SBSA as it was my first choice. In that moment I didn’t know what I wanted from SBSA, I did not have a specific reason to why I applied. But after the induction ceremony, the way the Director (Mrs Josianne Bristol) spoke about further studies and getting a degree, it became very clear to me what I wanted from SBSA. I wanted a to go to university. I wanted a scholarship.

After my first semester, SBSA started to grow on me. I started getting to know all my lecturers. I have had really amazing lecturers at SBSA, every single one of them pushed and supported me to achieve more than my potential. They believed in me even when there were moments when I didn’t believe in myself, I appreciate every single one them for making my journey at SBSA a memorable one. Moreover, I participated in all sorts of activities that were in my interest, which led me to a lot of wonderful opportunities. My most appreciated opportunity that SBSA presented to me was when I was asked to participate in the SYAH (Seychelles Youth Aims Hub) AGM in 2022, I had no idea what to expect that day, but at the end of the AGM, I was elected as the Chairperson of SYAH Seychelles. With that opportunity, I have gotten the chance to represent the youth of Seychelles both locally and internationally for raising awareness about the importance of sustainability, climate change and the environment.

Above all that, the one thing that has made SBSA very special to me, is the Media Matrix. Towards the end of year 1, I had developed a passion for Marketing, primarily focused on digital marketing. Before year 2 began, SBSA was seeking a student who would be willing to take up the responsibility of running their social media accounts. I was very eager to take that responsibility as it would have given me the opportunity to explore my passion. Little did I know that I was not the only one. 5 of us applied and all 5 were accepted and that’s were Media Matrix was formed. Through Media Matrix my passion for marketing grew, and I completely knew what I wanted to do for the rest of my life. Media Matrix was not just a responsibility for me, it was my passion, it was the one thing that made SBSA stood out for me. Therefore, I made sure that as an ambassador for the academy I was showcasing the best qualities of SBSA, and using the social accounts to give everyone a glimpse of the academy.

I have had the most unique experience at SBSA, it has definitely changed my life and personality and made me more professional. Words will not ever be enough for me to express my gratitude towards the academy and towards my lecturers. I will continuously thank them all for helping me discover my passion, achieve more than I thought could and allowing me to grow and learn in the best learning environment. SBSA will always have a special place in my heart. 

Programme: Diploma in Business Management and Administration
Graduate of: 2023

Completing my studies at the Seychelles Business Studies Academy has been a truly transformative experience. Over the course of three years, not only have I deepened my knowledge in my field of study, but I have also grown as a person thanks to the various extra-curricular activities organised by the academy.

Despite starting my studies during a challenging time due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the academy was able to adapt and find innovative ways to make learning smoother for all learners. The great initiatives employed by SBSA has benefitted my learning journey even after the COVID 19 as virtual learning became a huge advantage during my second and third years. Lecturers became more accessible with the virtual learning and this also helped me with the increased amount of independent study which I had to do, especially in my final year.  

I have made many sacrifices and I am grateful for the support and guidance I received from my lecturers during the 3 years.

I am currently employed as an Audit Technician within the Internal Audit Division of the Ministry of Finance. Concurrently, I am pursuing a Bachelor’s Degree in Accounting and Finance with UNICAF University through online studies. The knowledge and skills I gained during my time at the academy have been invaluable in helping me excel in my career. I am proud to be a graduate of the Seychelles Business Studies Academy and will always be grateful for the positive impact it has had on my life. 

Motivational message to current and prospective learners:

“Don't let fear or uncertainty hold you back, embrace the challenge and push yourself to new heights by joining SBSA! Because SBSA is truly a Gateway to opportunities.”

Programme: Diploma in Accounting and Finance
Graduate of: 2022
  • +(248) 437 1188

  • info[at]sbsa.edu.sc