

Blood donation award

SBSA staff and learners continuously contribute to the blood bank by organising a minimum of two blood drives each year, after the original request came from the blood bank for support in 2022.

In 2022,a total of three blood drives were conducted: in February, in May and in November 2022; and in 2023 there were two: one in February, and the second in May.

There was excellent participation from both staff and learners and the academy was awarded a certificate from Ministry of Health (Blood Transfusion Section) during a ceremony held at ICCS where SBSA was awarded 2nd place for the period of June 2021 to June 2022. At a similar award ceremony for the period of June 2022 to June 2023, SBSA was this time awarded 1st place for blood donation among all organisations (Public and Private) with 57 successful pints collected.

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